
Articles should be submitted via Editorial System.
In order to log in to the System, please use the button ‘Submit an article’.

All articles published in SFT undergo a double-blind review. We invite all specialists related to the scope of SFT journal to become our reviewers!

Safety & Fire Technology offers promotion of educational and scientific events (projects). This regards to local, regional, national as well as nationwide and international events. We invite you to apply for SFT patronage.

About us

Safety & Fire Technology

ISSN (print) 2657-8808
ISSN (electronic) 2658-0810

„Safety & Fire Technology“ is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. SFT publishes the following types of articles: original scientific articles, preliminary reports, review articles and case studies. Its aim constitutes in supporting the knowledge transfer in Poland and abroad, promoting research results and innovative projects as well as providing education on safety.

Journal thematic scope:

  • fire dynamics and modelling
  • fire protection systems and methods of fire prevention and mitigation
  • fire investigation and risk analysis
  • firefighting tactics, safety and technology
  • fire safety legislation and education
  • safety and civil protection
  • hazards and environmental protection
  • materials in environmental protection and fire hazards
  • modern technologies in fire and environmental protection



We recommend to your attention the latest issue of our semi-annual - SFT 2/2023, including the cover title: "Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Mathematical Modelling of Horizontal Jet Fires" and a continuation of the series of articles dedicated to alternative powered vehicles.


We invite you to participate in the VII International Congress Safe Place entitled "The Resilience of Public Utility Objects and Critical Infrastructure Against War, Hybrid and Criminal Threats" on November 27-28, 2024, in Jachranka. The event will be held under honorary and media patronage of CNBOP-PIB. More information:

