Review Procedure

  1. Initial formal evaluation – Received article is subjected to a formal evaluation by the Editorial Department (compatibility with magazine profile and technical requirements) and then qualified in regard to the thematic section.
  2. Qualification by the Editorial Committee – Once the article is accepted by the editor (chosen on the basis of the paper theme), the editorial department will consult the style with the language editors and the statistics with the statistical editor, and with the Advisory Board, if necessary.
  3. Review procedure – The article is sent to two independent reviewers who are experts in the field (with a higher or equal degree as the author), and are not affiliated with the author / authors. Both the author and the reviewers do not know each other’s identities which is in accordance with the principle of double-blind review. Upon receipt of two reviews, the author is informed of any possible comments and revisions which should be included in the text.
  4. The decision to publish the article – If one of the reviewers allowed to print the article and the other rejects it, the Editorial Board member make the decision to send the article to a third reviewer. In a situation where the third reviewer rejects the article, the Editorial Board withdraws the article and informs the author of the article about the decision. All final decisions and print materials should be approved by the Editor in Chief.

Review process takes approximately 2 months.

The Editorial Committee enables the authors to submit a paper within an accelerated procedure. The payment covered by the author or an institution which finances his research equals 800 zlotys. The sum is paid after the initial assessment of the article and its qualification to the review procedure. The sum covers the costs related to publication process. The payment will not be refunded if the article is rejected after the review process.