
Aim: Presentation of emergency action principles in case a casualty suffers from circulatory and respiratory disorder in nontraumatic condition or tremors (convulsions).

Introduction: The procedure when dealing with a visibly pregnant woman in life / health threatening conditions is very specific as it considers at least two casualties. The most important factor that influences the fetus’ condition is the condition of the mother. So the most optimal rescue procedure conducted on the mother is the best way to save the unborn baby. Any injuries should be dressed in accordance with proper procedures. Multiple-casualty incident is a situation in which more than one person is in danger, however, the need for acute medical care and rapid rescue procedures (determined in the process of triage – medical selection) does not override the rescue resources (such as personnel and equipment) present on the spot. Mass-casualty incident is any incident in which the number of casualties in the dire need of acute medical care and rapid rescue procedures determined in triage, overrides the rescue resources present on the spot. Triage (medical selection / segregation of casualties) is the process of determining the medical and transportation priorities while dealing with numerous or mass- casualty incidents. Its goal consists in finding the casualties in life threatening condition as soon as possible as well as minimizing the transport to specialized hospitals of those casualties whose condition is not severe. There is a great deal of casualty segregation systems in the entire world that allows a quick assessment of casualties’ condition. In Poland the most commonly known is the START system (simple triage and rapid treatment). It is used in regard to people over 8 years old. For kids aged 1- 8, the segregation system Jump START should be applied.

Relevance in practice: Regardless of the fact whether he is on duty or not, a paramedic may find himself in a situation when a person in need declares complaints unrelated to an injury. The information presented in the article can have practical implication in such situations.

Keywords: circulatory-respiratory disorder, tremors, pregnancy, numerous incident, mass – casualty incident (MCI).

Type of article: review article