
Aim: The purpose of this article is to present adult teaching strategies in the contemporary world and their impact on the harmonic development process of humans. Additionally, the author will attempt to address questions of effectiveness in the learning process, i.e. what teaching methods should be employed to achieve educational success by adults.

Introduction: One of the key functions of a contemporary state is the provision of fundamental protection from real and potential threats associated with natural or man-made disasters, including consequences of military action. Safeguarding individuals at the local, national and international level becomes a philosophical and educational challenge of the XXI century. The challenges faced by today’s world impact on every aspect of our lives, including education. The article has identified adult teaching strategies as a pedagogic science encompassing research of learning issues, self-learning and educational development of adults who aspire to meet the demands of a fast changing world.

Methodology: Based on literature dealing with the topic, the article describes principles and teaching methods, which are considered to be scientifically formulated methods of conveying educational knowledge to participants in order to equip them with information, skills and customs. The article highlights benefits of problem solving approaches in learning where participants are actively engaged in the learning experience and acquire additional skills such as: effective communication, group interaction, decision making and problem solving. Additionally, the article identifies adult learning styles including: accommodation, divergence, convergence and assimilation.

Conclusions: The knowledge of adult teaching strategies is extremely important during training of staff responsible for: national security, those who perform defence tasks and those engaged with preparation of the national defence system for effective functioning during peace time alert state of readiness as well as war. Professional and effective performance of humans depends on how well they are equipped with a range of competencies such as: knowledge, skill and behaviour. All of these are characterised by dynamic features, hence, they need to be developed and improved.

Keywords: adult teaching strategies, pedagogic, adult education, education for safety, competencies, national security