
Aim: The article describes different types of coverings utilized in the protection of steel building constructions and reveals results from research, designed to assess the effectiveness and behaviour of silicone coatings intended to provide heat resistant protection for steel alloys.

Methodology: Research was focused on the influence of high temperatures and impact of direct fire on the change in the thickness of protective coating. High temperature tests were performed in a Nabertherm furnace, which was equipped with an electronic temperature control mechanism. Changes to the surface appearance were recorded by an optical microscope, Zeiss Stereo Discovery v20. In order to determine changes in the concentration of coating elements, formed during heating of samples in the furnace and under influence of direct fire, the elements were examined using a scanning electron microscope with a field emission, FEI Company Nova Nanos 200, equipped with an X-ray probe. Results from an analysis of the coating surface revealed a state of decomposition in the concentration of coating elements.

Results: The study revealed a variation in protective effectiveness of tested silicone coatings. Silicone varnish presented a greater protective ability in conditions involving direct fire as well as high temperatures in a furnace. Examined silicone coatings belong to a group, which slow down the spread of fire and protect the steel substrate, and do not reveal significant changes to the thickness of the protective layer. In the case of silicone paint a reduction in of the thickness of coatings ranged between 13% and 20% at temperatures of 500°C and 820°C respectively. Silicon varnish, applied as a surface coating for steel, under the same temperature conditions, showed changes in the thickness of 13% and 51% respectively. Action by direct fire caused lesser changes to the thickness of the coating and ranged from 9% (paint) to 5% (varnish). The average decrease in coating thickness was partially associated with the melting as well as sublimation of coating components, whereby the heat flow reaching the protected surface is slowed down. In the make-up of examined material significant differences were identified during analysis of surface decomposition of component elements. These differences were mainly associated with the content of aluminium, iron and carbon. The elements content in the silicone painting were respectively 7% to Al and about 20% to Fe, while the same elements content in the silicone varnish were 51% to Al and less than 1% to Fe. The carbon content was approximately 20% in silicone paint and about 10% in varnish respectively. As a result of direct fire application, the main changes were associated with the carbon content in both types of coating. The carbon content decreased in silicone paint from 3 times (direct fire) to 10 times in case of the furnace heating action. Whereas with silicone varnish, regardless of the type of temperature level, the content was reduced by only 2.5 times.

Keywords: steel, paint coating, fire retardant protection, high temperatures

Type of article: original scientific article