Aim: Demonstrate that from the numerous methods of detecting explosive materials, ion-mobility spectrometry can be one of the most effective approaches for use in laboratory and field conditions.
Project and methods: Narzędzia i metody użyte w badaniach – w części badawczej przeprowadzono rejestrację widm ruchliwości jonów (ang. drift time spectrum) za pomocą spektrometru ruchliwości jonów oraz analizę skuteczności identyfikacji materiałów wybuchowych na podstawie serii wykonanych pomiarów.
Methodology: During research performed and recorded ion mobility spectra (drift time spectrum) with the aid of a spectrometer and conducted an effectiveness analysis of explosive material identification based on a series of performed measurements.
Results: A critical analysis of contemporary techniques for detecting explosive materials included: electrochemical methods, chemiluminescent, optical, optoelectronic, biochemical and methods based on terahertz imaging. Special attention was devoted to ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and to the testing of effectiveness of the IMS analytical technique in the detection of explosive materials.
Conclusions: Threats associated with the potential use of explosives by groups endangering public security e.g. terrorist organizations, culminate in a search for effective ways to counteract such hazards. A solution may lie in a broad application of techniques, which facilitate numerous materials and detonation systems, including Improvised Explosive Devices (IED). The explosives used may come from various sources. Apart from traditional explosives, materials used in mining as well as mixtures of generally available chemical substances may be used. Analytical chemistry techniques, for use in the detection of explosive materials are effective, mainly in laboratory conditions, because, in essence, the techniques make use of stationery measuring equipment. Ion Mobility Spectrometry is the most universal method. Because of its characteristics; chemical ionisation under atmospheric pressure and simplification of construction, provides a potential for application in diverse conditions.
Relevance in practice:
Keywords: explosive materials, ion-mobility spectrometry, detection of explosive materials
Type of article: original scientific article