Aim: The aim of the article was to compare the currently existing methods of using fixed water firefighting equipment installed in large-format commercial buildings. Moreover, the aim was to find specific differences in existing methods that may affect the reliability of this equipment.
Methodology: In the article a comparative analysis was carried out of the methods of using fixed water firefighting equipment according to different guidelines. The tabulated ranges and timing of periodic technical inspections of selected elements of a sprinkler system allowed to compare the differences in the present methods and revealed subtle irregularities in the operation process. This analysis also points to the fact that it is necessary to develop new guidelines, which would more efficiently reflect Polish operating conditions of ffixed water firefighting equipment. In other words, the presented analysis is the basis for developing a concept of the operation method of operation this equipment, taking into account the impact of water quality supply in these devices.
Results: Based on the presented tabular summaries it is easy to see the diversity in the applied operation methods. While comparing the ways to control elements of the fire protection sprinkler system, it is possible to observe certain similarities between the presented guidelines, but also many differences. Many elements of the sprinkler system, according to the guidelines contained in the Polish Standard and VdS 2212, has a common term and scope of control. However, presented VdS guidelines are much more detailed and include a wider range of more controllable elements, sometimes in a shorter period of time. Quite a different situation can be observed in the case of guidelines outlined in NFPA 25, 2014. It is the only method that involves checking the technical condition of the inner conductors every five years, including a check of cable capacity of the fixed water firefighting equipment. In addition, NFPA 25 guidelines include a much longer operation period for this type of protection.
Conclusions: The presented operation methods of fixed water firefighting equipment might not provide proper maintenance of the technical state of a sprinkler system. Although in many respects the presented methods show a detailed scope of control of the elements, the most important from the point of view of operational reliability, unfortunately ignore the influence of the quality of water supply pipes and fittings for fixed water firefighting equipment. Therefore, it becomes necessary to develop a new method of operation of this type of fire protection equipment, where the operation will be as easy as possible, and at the same time it will take into account the variable quality of water supply for the sprinkler system and its impact on the technical condition of the pipes and fittings.
Keywords: sprinkler system, operation, method of operation
Type of article: original scientific article