
Aim: The purpose of this article is to analyse the Harvard University technology transfer model and indicate selected factors, which condition the adaptation of some solutions at Polish universities in study areas associated with security. In the author’s view, the emerging system of cooperation between scientific education and business enterprise requires a need to consider the implementation of some proven solutions and adaptation of these within existing legal parameters of the state. It is considered that the organisational environment; investment in human resources and maintenance of ethical social relations are key factors for the development of academic entrepreneurship.

Introduction: In an era of dynamic shaping of the economy, based on knowledge, one approach to the creation of a safe environment is through co-operation between different institutions with innovative advances to counteract widely recognised dangers to life and health of humans. Such co-operation is frequently associated with the development of so-called academic entrepreneurship or activity within the academic environment: graduate and PhD students, academic staff, independent employees, and the support and administrative function involved in the movement of knowledge and technology from laboratories to business undertakings. The outcome from such activity culminates in a business start-up by academic stakeholders at the university premises or locations in close proximity. However, the effectiveness and efficiency of such co-operation depends on the technology transfer model adopted by the institution. Utilisation of existing so-called “good practice” for the creation of such a model should be harmonised within prevailing legal parameters. The desire to adapt selected solutions adopted by Harvard University demands a comprehensive understanding of overall environmental conditions which exist at the parent institution followed by a suitable adaptation of such conditions to the realities of the target academic institute.

Methodology: This article utilised an analytical approach coupled with a literature review and observation. The author made use of materials published by Harvard University and conducted interviews with managers from the Office of Technology Development.

Conclusions: Based on an analysis of the transfer process at Harvard University and from information acquired during interviews, one may deduce that the adaptation of local solutions to the Polish environment requires recognition of three factors associated with the organisation sphere. These include: legal aspects, social capital and ethical issues in social relationships. It is pertinent to focus specifically on issues associated with dissemination of knowledge and intensify the awareness of the academic community on matters concerning the conditions for innovation and development of third generation universities. Additionally, there is a need for behavioural change in context of pro-innovation attitudes and maintain the respect of intellectual property laws.

Keywords: commercialization of research results, transfer of knowledge and experience, academic entrepreneurship, security discipline

Type of article: case study