Aim: The aim of this article is to make an overview of selected features of the voice alarm control and indicating equipment (VACIE) confirmed in the process of assessment and verification of constancy of performance. Information presented by the authors play a crucial role during the process of design and use of voice alarm systems as well as in the context of providing the safety of buildings.
Introduction: Control and indicating equipment (CIE) is extremely important for the safety of buildings, affecting both the safety of the occupants and the property stored there. Given such an important role, special emphasis is placed on the reliability of the system’s operation, whose task is both to detect the fire danger early enough but also to transmit information to its various components. An important role in ensuring the safety of construction objects is the transmission of information about the threat detected by the system to the occupants of the facility. This information can be communicated through the use of, among other things, automatic visual signalling implemented by VAS. The main component of VAS is the voice alarm control and indicating equipment, which, as the heart of the system, receives and transmits information to individual elements (loudspeakers), and is responsible for their operation – powering and monitoring them.
Methodology: An overview of selected features that are confirmed in the process of assessment and verification of constancy of performance, Introduction to the testing process of selected features, which is an integral part of the conformity assessment of construction products. The article was supplemented with issues related to the design and maintenance of fire alarm systems.
Conclusions: Voice alarm control and indicating equipment, in addition to control and indicating equipment, not only determine the safety of the buildings themselves, but also affect the safety of their occupants, who, as a result of various circumstances, may have to be forced to quickly and efficiently leave their place of residence. Nevertheless, the awareness of owners and managers of construction objects equipped with VAS should be important, since their special attention should be directed to maintaining all components of the system in such a condition that will enable the complete installation to fulfil its functions. An important element is the continuous education of service personnel and users of the facility (e.g. step-by-step evacuation drills), in order to maintain knowledge at the highest possible level about how to act in an emergency situation, not only related to fire, but also in the face of other local threats.
Keywords: evacuation of buildings, voice alarm system, VACIE
Type of article: review article
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