Aim: This article focuses on the use of artificial neural networks to mathematically describe the parameters that determine the size of a jet fire flame. To teach the neural network, the results of a horizontal propane jet fire, carried out experimentally and using CFD mathematical modelling, were used.
Project and methods: The main part of the work consisted of developing an artificial neural network to describe the flame length and propane-air mixing path lengths with good accuracy, depending on the relevant process parameters. Two types of data series were used to meet the stated objective. The first series of data came from field tests carried out by CNBOP-PIB and from research contained in scientific articles. The second type of data was provided by numerical calculations made by the authors. The methods of computational fluid mechanics were used to develop the numerical simulations. The ANSYS Fluent package was used for this purpose. Matlab 2022a was used to develop the artificial neural network and to verify it.
Results: Using the nftool function included in Matlab 2022a, an artificial neural network was developed to determine the flame length Lflame and the length of the Slift-off mixing path as a function of the diameter of the dnozzle and the mass flux of gas leaving the nozzle. Using Pearson’s correlation coefficient, a selection was made of the best number of neurons in the hidden layer to describe the process parameters. The neural network developed allows Lflame and Slift-off values to be calculated with good accuracy.
Conclusions: Artificial neural networks allow a function to be developed to describe the parameters that determine flame sizes in relation to process parameters. For this purpose, the results of the CFD simulations and the results of the jet fire experiments were combined to create a single neural network. The result is a ready-made function that can be used in programmes for the rapid determination of flame sizes. Such a function can support the process of creating scenarios in the event of an emergency. A correctly developed neural network provides opportunities for the mathematical description of jet fires wherever experimental measurements are not possible. Solution proposed by the authors does not require a large investment in ongoing calculations, as the network can be implemented in any programming language.
Keywords: computational fluid mechanics, artificial neural networks, jet fire
Type of article: original scientific article
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