Introduction: During fire incidents, appropriate co-operation between mechanisms, systems and installations (fire fighting and utility) is of strategic significance in the safeguarding of buildings and defence against fires. The problem of choice and correct interaction of systems found in premises is to be addressed by the production of a formal document ‘Scenario of developments during fire incidents’ with due regard to fire protection, at the approval stage of building projects. This regulatory requirement was introduced by the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration on 16 June 2003. The author of the regulation avoided being specific about who should produce the document and its content, leaving much scope for discussion of these topics. This article provides an interpretation of the regulatory requirements dealing with building project approval in context of protection against fires. Furthermore, it defines the terms of ‘Scenario of developments during fire incidents’ – the project element concerned with alarm systems.
Keywords: scenario, controls matrix, fire scenario, fire protection systems, security systems integration