Aim: An analysis of problematic aspects related to professional adaptation of young specialists. Identification of conditions and factors which prompt the increase of the efficiency of professional adaptation process which young specialists working in the divisions of the Federal Fire Service of State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Сivil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (further FPS GPS of EMERCOM of Russia) go through.
Introduction: The paper assumes stage-by-stage analysis of a problem of adaptation and professional development of young specialists of FPS GPS of Emercom of Russia. At the first stage, theoretical research of current state of a problem related to professional formation of the young specialist is conducted. Next, the authors define specifics of professional formation and adaptation of young specialists in the system of Emercom of Russia. At the second stage, the empirical research directed on defining external and internal social and psychological conditions influencing efficiency of the process of professional formation of young staff of Emercom of Russia is conducted. As the result of the research we obtain a complex of scientifically reasonable proposals and recommendations on the organization of social and psychological guidance for the sake of professional development of young employees in system of FPS GPS of Emercom of Russia.
Methodology: - analysis and synthesis of references; - method of studying of documentary data – the analysis of materials about experience with the young specialists, obtained from personnel divisions of FPS GPS of Emercom of Russia as well as personal documentation and questionnaires of personal information of young specialists; - poll method – written poll of young specialists for identification of problems and difficulties which they had to face during adaptation to professional activity as well as poll of young specialists for the purpose of their job evaluation which has been carried out with them at a stage of adaptation to professional activity (an assessment of forms of work and their contents); - method of competent estimates – studying of opinion of experts concerning adaptation and professional readiness of young specialists (an assessment of level of professionally important qualities and skills of the young specialist).
Results: Information on the employed and dismissed young specialists in 2008-2012 is submitted. The authors carried out an analysis of reasons for dismissal of young specialists from the system of FPS GPS of Emercom of Russia as well as the efficiency of actions for the purpose of young specialists adaptation on the basis of their value judgment.
Conclusions: In the collusion the authors offer measures for the improvement of adaptation actions for a chief of the young specialist, a tutor, a psychologist and the staff of personnel divisions of FPS GPS of Emercom of Russia. The perspective methods of the work on young specialists’ professional adaptation which have not found applications in practice work in system of FPS GPS of Emercom of Russia are listed. Further researches will be directed on the creation of algorithms of actions for each employee interested in the success of professional young specialists adaptation.
Keywords: young specialist, professional adaptation, crisis of professional expectation
Type of article: original scientific article