
Aim: The purpose of this article is to describe an established support system, for acquisition and testing of products and solutions concerned with fire protection, which is exposed to constant improvements. Additionally, the paper advances views, provides a focus and aims, which the system should address. Such accomplishments provide solutions to identified problems and needs in terms of training and professional development of staff as well as inspire innovation within the sphere of testing products and innovative solutions. This article is limited to issues concerned with the acquisition of materials whereas the testing of such products and solutions will be the subject of a separate publication.

Introduction: Production of equipment and an approval system is an important part of the fire protection process. CNBOPPIB, as a certification body for products used in fire protection, provides the basis for ensuring fire safety and conduct of firefighting operations. The scope for the use of such equipment is specified by the Polish State Fire Service (PSFS), manufacturers and equipment suppliers. The needs are satisfied by a suitably developed and implemented mechanism, incorporating continuous improvements in testing and acceptance of products and solutions used in protection from the effects of fire.

Methodology: This article provides an outcome from a literature analysis, research, experience and presents results obtained from work performed by the authors, publications and, in particular, lessons and experience gained from participation in the development and improvement of the system.

Conclusions: – It is a new and innovative approach, which comprehensively combines identified elements from two major areas – support for accepted equipment used in PSFS units and testing of new and innovative products, and initiatives, which may be utilised for fire protection needs. – This approach, concerning acquisition support, provides a pioneering educational programme for training, professional development and voluntary certification by PSFS personnel involved in the acquisition of rescue and firefighting equipment, and questions concerning logistics and quartermaster issues. – Under the auspices of this system a testing procedure of innovative products and initiatives was developed and implemented. Preparation and implementation of this concept allows for free testing of new products, solutions and technologies by PSFS firefighters. This process culminates with an award of an opinion /recommendation about the product or proposed solution.

Keywords: technical approvals, support system, receipt and testing of products, voluntary certification, programme, education, fire protection

Type of article: review article