
Aim: The aim of this article is the assessment of functionality of both systems in the light of interoperability of National Warning and Reporting System (KSWSiA) components. The authors intended to confirm that SI Promień system is comparable to another high-end IT solution for predicting and assessing contamination which is CBRN Analysis.

Introduction: Nowadays, in the National Warning and Reporting System (KSWSiA) there are simultaneously utilized two independent CBRN information management systems: SI Promień and CBRN Analysis; however the second one serves for military purposes only. KSWSiA is a specific super-system aimed at providing a synergy between all systems responsible for CBRN contamination detection, warning and reporting. The military part, which is the so-called Contamination Detection System, is the protoplast of the whole system providing procedures on measurements and information exchange. Evolution of the IT systems during the last decade helped to develop modern systems supporting or even replacing humans in the area of CBRN information management and assessment of hazards. An example of such a system is CBRN Analysis – currently a world-leading solution which became an inspiration for national programmers to create modern and effective approach to CBRN hazard prediction and information management. Today, we have almost 10 years of experience in application and improvement of domestic software but it is still under development which is a result of new requirements and changes in NATO standardization documents.

Methodology: Conducted research is based on software diagnosis and the analysis of end-user experience. A fundamental challenge was the selection of software usability determinants and the comparison of both systems. During research authors applied the following methods: observation (conducted during courses and exercises in CBRN Defence Training Centre), comparison, analogy, abstraction, analysis and synthesis.

Results: Wyniki badań ukazują zastosowanie w obu systemach informatycznych unikalnego podejścia do zarządzania informacją CBRN. Zidentyfikowana została również nieznaczna przewaga CBRN Analysis, która wynika z długoletniej obecności produktu na rynku komercyjnym i doświadczeń z tym związanych, ale również zaangażowaniem nieporównywalnych środków finansowych, aby taką dominację utrzymać (w porównaniu z SI Promień). Podsumowując ocenę obu programów, autorzy doszli do wniosku, że SI Promień stanowi optymalne rozwiązanie i zapewnia pełną interoperacyjność KSWSiA i jednolitość funkcjonowania jego podsystemów. Kluczowym zagadnieniem, warunkującym możliwość rozwoju oprogramowania, jest jego kompatybilność z istniejącymi systemami dowodzenia i kierowania oraz certyfikacja SI Promień zgodnie z wymaganiami międzynarodowymi, celem potwierdzenia jego wartości dla rozwoju zdolności obronnych Polski i krajów partnerskich. Analiza programów potwierdziła, że system informatyczny Promień jest w czołówce podobnych rozwiązań o charakterze systemowym oraz ma potencjał w zakresie dalszego rozwoju oraz zaspokojenia bieżących i przyszłych potrzeb KSWSiA.

Conclusions: Results revealed that both systems apply a unique approach to CBRN information management. Besides slight superiority of CBRN Analysis deriving from a long-term presence on the market and engaged resources to sustain such dominance, authors denoted SI Promień as an optimal future solution, which provides interoperability for purposes of KSWSiA and unification of interim subsystems. The key issue conditioning the opportunity to develop the software is its compatibility with the existing command and control systems, and certification of SI Promień according to international requirements in order to confirm its value for the development of Polish defense capabilities. Nevertheless, SI Promień confirmed that it is the forefront of similar systems with a great potential for further development and to satisfy current and future needs of KSWSiA.

Keywords: CBRN information management, contamination prediction and assessment, CBRN risk management, automated contamination warning and reporting systems