
Aim: The purpose of this article is to review information on firefighting hoses in terms of their division and the materials used in their production, and to determine if and how external factors affect their strength and durability.

Introduction: Firefighting hoses are one of the most important products of technical equipment of Fire Protection Units. Since they are an indispensable element during rescue and firefighting operations, conducting research on the strength of fire hoses is needed and extremely important from the point of view of fire protection.

Project and methods: Technological advances in the area of using various types of materials for fire hoses over time have had (and continue to have) a significant impact on the undertaking of rescue and firefighting operations, the speed with which these operations are carried out, as well as their effectiveness. Therefore, at the beginning of the article, a historical outline of the fire hoses used for firefighting in various countries around the world over the years was made. In the following part of the article, the influence of external factors on the adhesive strength of firefighting hoses used in fire protection units in Poland was analysed. The effect of exposure to a 3% foam solution of a fire extinguishing agent on hose tape samples placed in this solution was tested, depending on the time of direct contact of the samples with this agent. The effect of UV exposure (under wetting and drying conditions) on the hose tape samples was also studied, with time intervals of different lengths.

Results: When testing the exposure of the hose tape samples to UV light (for 90 minutes, at 38 ± 3°C, without water spray, followed by water exposure for 30 minutes, at 50 ± 10% humidity), decreasing trends were observed for the average values of delamination strengths. Tests were also made on a series of samples exposed to a 3% solution of aqueous foam extinguishing agent on the hose tape, both externally and internally. Declining trends were observed for the mean values of adhesive strengths (after 3 and 6 weeks). The impact of factors such as exposure to UV radiation, as well as the impact of the foam extinguishing agent solution negatively affects the hose tape, reducing its strength. The article was prepared on the basis of the authors’ own research results, as well as available sources, both national and foreign, based on the available literature on the raised issues.

Keywords: firefighting hose, fire hose strength, adhesion, UV, foam extinguishing agent

Type of article: short scientific report


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