
Aim: Analysis and identification of the main components relevant to the Information Security (IS) training structure for specialists undergoing Bachelor degree studies at educational institutions with special training conditions. These are key links in the pursuit of quality in the educational process. Additionally, the development of a mathematical model, incorporating student educational qualification profiles (EQP) and Vocation Development Programmes (VDP), will allow for the creation of suitable education programmes aimed at securing competences required by employers.

Introduction: Automated management systems introduced for the State Security Emergency Services (SSES) of Ukraine are designed for data collection, processing and transfer of large volumes of information between all emergency services. Such systems ensure timely, orderly and smooth functioning of state services dealing with emergency situations. However, just like any other Information System, this information should be protected against the possibility of intrusion and impact of cyber criminal activity. From the authors’ analysis of threat sources and information system weaknesses it is evident that the human factor and staff training are critical elements in the establishment of good quality and efficient performance of the IS systems in SSES of Ukraine. To address identified problems, it is necessary to create a flexible departmental system of specialist training in the field of IS through the support of higher educational institution of SSES of Ukraine with special training conditions. This approach is based on principles for modern higher education in Ukraine, realized under the auspices of the "Bologna Declaration for higher vocational education in Ukraine". It uses a competency based approach, involving a close interaction between the employment market and education institutions.

Conclusions: A structural analysis was performed and key assumptions identified for the development of vocational training. This facilitated the production of an effective and dynamic education programme, to address the needs of IS. A project scheme was proposed, which visualised an interaction between the vocation education cycle and competences emerging during the training process. A mathematical “needs” model was developed, which revealed student profiles and a vocation development programme, in accordance with the education project conditions concerned with preparing specialists for work with IS. Simultaneously, this approach afforded staff from higher education establishments an opportunity to prepare a suitable syllabus, to address student competence needs.

Keywords: design and educational environment, information system, competence, competence approach, educational and professional program

Type of article: original scientific article