
Aim: The aim of the article is to identify directions for improving cooperation between the national rescue and firefighting system (KSRG) and local government units. The authors of this article have analysed the structure of KSRG and the powers of local government in the area of public safety, with particular emphasis on issues relating to the principles of operation, potential and tasks of the rescue and firefighting system, as well as the organizational structure of local government and its tasks in maintaining public safety. The discussion of the cooperative strategy of KSRG and local government units was also a contribution to formulating conclusions and postulates that can be used to set new directions for improving cooperation between the two entities. This is important due to the fact that they play an important role in building a security system for citizens and their property.

Introduction: Ensuring security is one of the top priorities in every country’s policy. In the area of public safety, in addition to national units (State Fire Service, State Medical Rescue) and local government units, properly prepared, organized and specialized formations such as OSP, ZHP, WOPR, GOPR, TOPR and others also participate. Regardless of the type of security units, in any case, the identification of potential hazards is the basis for planning preventive measures, it allows to define the areas that involve the greatest risk of natural disasters and technical failures.

Methodology: The article uses theoretical research methods, including an analysis of the provisions of the Act on Fire Protection, the Regulation on the Detailed Organization of the National Rescue and Firefighting System, the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, the Act on Volunteer Fire Brigades and the acts regulating the status and tasks of local government. The article discusses the structure and tasks of the national rescue and firefighting system, with particular emphasis on the cooperation of KSRG with the local government units. The publication also formulates de lege ferenda postulates. While presenting proposals to improve the cooperation of entities operating within KSRG, the authors also used their knowledge and experience gained during many years of work and service for fire protection.

Conclusions: The national rescue and firefighting system is an integral part of our country’s public safety system. The experience of recent years has confirmed that it is an effective guarantee of the safety of people and property, while its structure forms a coherent system of rescue forces and resources centred around various entities. Constant technological and political-economic changes impose the need to improve the system and adapt it to current social needs. Therefore, the development of KSRG still requires setting new tasks and looking for solutions to effectively achieve the goals of the system. An important element to improve the operation of KSRG is the construction of the best possible form of cooperation between the rescue formations of the PSP and OSP and local government, since effective security protection is not possible without the cooperation of government and local administration.

Keywords: public safety, rescue and firefighting system, local government, fire protection

Type of article: original scientific article


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