
Aim: In 2022, on the lakes Zegrzynskie and the Orzysz, there were carried out tests of a motor boat with a hull made in HDPE technology and a construction similar to a hybrid boat (rigid-inflatable boat, RIB). The aim of the tests was to examine the operational capabilities of the SRB53 motor boats and obtain preliminary information on the configuration of the equipment.

Introduction: High performance motor boats should constitute standard equipment of lifeguards. There are motor boats on the market using high density polyethylene (HDPE) for the construction of their hulls.

Methodology: The survey involved 57 people, experts, representatives of public administration, NATO soldiers, police, and rescue services, as well as enterprises and non-governmental entities operating in the field of water rescue. The working hypothesis was assumed that probably motor boats as a combination of HDPE technology with a hybrid boat design could match the operational rib boats and have an advantage in terms of durability and resistance to hull damage. A diagnostic survey was used on a small sample with research techniques, i.e., observation, interview, and test, as well as research tools in the form of an observation sheet. The research was prepared, carried out and closed in the following order: development of the research procedure, collection of research material, development of results, theoretical analysis of the obtained material and derivation of conclusions. The scope of the boat study included going away and nailing to the quay, the boat’s behaviours when making turns and abrupt turns in both directions at different speeds, and the hull durability test.

Results: The test results and opinions were positive, many advantages of the hull of the tested boat were indicated, with one negative parameter – a higher weight compared to traditional rescue boats. The working hypothesis was proved: motor boats in HDPE technology with a hybrid boat design are equal in terms of operation to RIB boats and are more durable and resistant to impacts. Innovative HDPE technology is useful for boat production. Due to the purpose, different configuration and equipment of the boat should be assumed.

Keywords: motor boats, water rescue, polyethylene, technology, innovation

Type of article: review article


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