
Aim: The objective of this study is to present the contemporary response options of civilian medical rescue and healthcare systems to the effects of weapons of mass destruction weapons and civilian toxic agents with mass impact potential. The study also demonstrated the preparation and response potential of medical services with proper additional equipment, training and implementation of new systemic solutions to enable the collaboration and cooperation of military and civilian services.

Introduction: The complicated international situation and increased risk of armed conflict require increasing the preparation level and response capability of medical services to the health effects of weapons of mass destruction. One aspect of preparations is increasing the response potential of medical rescue and healthcare systems in the area of rescue and treatment of CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive) incident victims.

Methodology: The authors described the gaps in medical rescue and healthcare systems and presented the options and methods to elevate the preparation and response level in the two fields of medicine.

Conclusions: Based on the results of four-year research and conceptual works completed under the project “Strengthening CBRNE Safety and Security — Coordination and Standardisation”, as part of Norway Grants for 2014–2021, a new medical rescue and healthcare functioning model was developed based on the potential of the latest technical solutions, resources and security management systems. In their work, the authors focused on presenting the concepts of CBRNEmed specialised teams, applying new solutions on using protective suits and respiratory protection equipment, innovative methods of decontamination of contaminated patients, options of point-of-care testing and identification of hazardous agents (POCT-CBRNE), isolation and transport of contaminated and highly infective patients and new CBRNE triage methods. In the publication, they demonstrated the compatibility of the developed solutions with the tactics, equipment and command system operating in the armed forces of NATO member states. The implementation of the developed solutions will enable effective military-civilian collaboration in the elimination of the health effects of weapons of mass destruction.

Keywords: CBRNE, triage, management, decision making

Type of article: review article


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